10 common weight loss myths that many people make. A new way of thinking will enable you to burn fat, achieve great health and maintain it permanently.
The reason people fail with weight loss programs
All areas of health will always start with the right mindset. Your mental attitude is how you think about health, food, and exercise. There is a wide variety of health and fitness programs for dieting and exercising aimed at weight loss, fitness, and muscle gain. But why do so many people fail to lose weight?
+ No one exercise or diet program is proper for everyone. Each person has a different metabolic rate. Some diet and exercise programs exaggerate, but they don’t work.
+ Each individual does not commit himself 100%. They don’t know what they want and are not responsible for their actions and results. After “trying half-heartedly” for a few weeks, they said: “it doesn’t work.” They blame the program creator or even genetics.
+ Some programs start by trying to motivate participants to take huge leaps at once. As a result, they may lose weight but then gain weight again. Weight loss is a process that we have to work hard, persevere, take step by step to achieve sustainable results.
+ In modern life, technology helps people limit movement and cut down on travel time needed to go to work and return. It helps the consumer order a dish without having to leave the house. Some people become inactive, leading to excess calories turning into stored fat.
Reasons People Fail At Weight Loss
10 common weight loss myths
1. Sweets are good for you
You can eat sweets in small portions, but start eliminating them altogether. If you enjoy sugar with coffee or tea, you can add honey – a healthier sugar. Honey comes from more of a natural source as opposed to sugar cane getting processed through a factory. If you enjoy chocolate, dark chocolate and unsweetened chocolate are better.
The problem is honey or dark chocolate, which still contains sugar and lots of calories. If you are looking to lose weight fast, you should completely eliminate sweets.
Sweets are good for you
2. Eat fat and you will get fat
There are good fats and bad fats. Most animal fats are bad for you, and good fats come from select fish and plants.
+ Bad fats are found in processed foods like chips, candy, donuts, and cakes. Other sources of bad fats include cheese, coconut oil, butter, and cream.
+ Good fats come from nuts, seeds, canola oil, fish (like salmon or tuna), and avocados. You need to eat good fats for many reasons. Our brain is made of fat, so you cannot survive without it.
3. Losing weight is hard
Losing weight is hard is one of the common weight loss myths. Eat a balanced diet and exercise to speed up your metabolism and burn your daily calories so that your body gets extra energy from fat cells.
If you change your daily routine and what you eat, you will lose weight. Instead of taking a car to work, you can walk earlier; take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. You can choose to eat two apples for a snack instead of fast food, etc. It’s not too difficult to lose weight as long as You are persistent and take responsibility for your actions.
Losing weight is hard (Image source: benefiber.com)
4. I can eat anything and stay healthy
Some fitness experts insist that as long as they are healthy, they can eat whatever they want, nothing bad will happen. Even if someone is active and in good shape, that doesn’t mean they are exempt from the consequences of eating unhealthy foods.
For example, eating a lot of saturated fat will cause clogged arteries and a probable heart attack or stroke to anyone. Certain unhealthy foods can also have long-term side effects.
5. Fat turns into muscle
Fat and muscle are two completely different cells, both of which will be increased or decreased by different means. Both cells store energy. Fat turns into muscle is one of the common weight loss myths.
+ Fat cells are stored energy. The body will turn to these reserves in times when the body is still operating but there is no energy entering the body
+ Muscles are the source of physical strength and energy. If you only have bones and nerves, you can’t do anything. The muscles in your arms and hands allow you to hold a cup of coffee or lift weights.
The more the muscle is built and strengthened, the more that you are able to lift with that same muscle. Muscle needs full contractions with heavy weight to get stronger and bigger. Muscles also need a mix of sufficient protein, nutrients and rest to grow. Larger muscles will also store more.
6. Carbs are bad for you – common weight loss myths
Carbohydrates are found in different foods. Some foods are low in carbs, moderate in carbs, and high in carbs.
You need to consume carbs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Carbs are also a great source of energy. If you eat a lot of carbs but don’t exercise, you will create more fat cells in your body.
Carbs are bad for you (Image source: popsugar.co.uk)
7. Cooking oil is bad
Some experts recently asserted that coconut oil and palm oil are good and that they can help prevent heart disease.
Canola oil is a healthy alternative to using butter, lard, margarine, vegetable shortening, and any other hydrogenated oil. You can also substitute cooking oil for water and boil or steam food.
8. Diet means eating small – common weight loss myths
Your body needs a variety of foods to provide enough energy and nutrition. Do not go more than three or four hours (maximum) without a meal; it will make your body go into starvation mode and cause other types of mental and emotional stress.
The key here is that you don’t want to overeat. You will know if you overeat because your stomach will feel full after eating. Avoid eating until you are full. Eat until you’re satisfied and snack between meals. When you are on a diet or changing your diet, you should not go hungry.
9. Protein shakes and high protein foods are a must
If your goal is to lose weight, don’t add any more protein than you need. Your body needs protein to build and function properly. If you eat a lot of protein but only exercise a small amount, the extra calories in protein can lead to weight gain, not loss. The energy that goes into the body and is not used will be stored as fat.
The breakdown of proteins is slower, so adding protein to your meals will help you feel fuller for longer. More carbohydrates don’t necessarily mean you’ll feel fuller for longer, but they work better than a high-fat meal. Fats (including saturated fats) are absorbed quickly and make you feel hungry faster after eating.
10. There is a magical diet for weight loss
Having is a magical diet for weight loss is one of the common weight loss myths. There is no magic pill for weight loss, period. If you choose to follow a low-fat, vegetable-only diet and plan to sit in a chair all day, you will still increase the size of your body’s fat cells. You want to be conscious about what you eat and how you eat it, but I assure you there is no magic diet.
Weight loss pills don’t work. Do you know those miracle weight loss pills and colon cleansing products? The products are pretty well, backed by theory only and no physical evidence. It’s a pity that they work on people’s insecurities to make sales. In addition, these pills and cleaning products will be 99.9% dangerous to your health.
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