The habit of elimination means to eliminate anything along the way that affects your health in a negative way. You must be able to eliminate any habit that is bad for your overall health; this includes mental habits. In particular, it is necessary to identify 5 foods to avoid during weight loss.
In my previous post, I told you that in order to achieve weight loss you could eliminate specific foods altogether and that just by changing your diet, you can change your weight. I said you could because It’s your choice if you do it or not. If overloading on sugar is the reason why you gain a lot of weight, then it will be wise to stop eating anything with refined sugar in it.
Here are the foods you can eliminate completely to get your desired weight loss results in less time:
5 foods to avoid during weight loss
1. Sugar
+ Remove all pastries such as cakes, cupcakes, doughnuts, donuts and anything else baked with fruit syrup or icing on it. Take away from your diet all sweets or junk foods that you eat every day or every other day. Stop drinking soft drinks completely. Your body will be grateful that you do so.
+ An exception to sugar is fruit. Eat fruit for dessert or as a snack, but limit it as much as possible. Sugar is sugar, but the difference with fruit is that you get lasting nutrients with sugar.
Eating fruit in small amounts, such as an apple a day, It can satisfy a sweet tooth just as a cake can. Too much of anything is bad for you, and that also means fruit. Enjoy food control.
Sugar is one of the 5 foods to avoid during weight loss (Image source: news.usc)
2. Fat
+ Eliminate all animal sources of saturated fat. If you eat chicken, remove the skin. Sources of saturated fat are french fries, baked goods, red meat, and other fried, grilled, or pan-fried foods.
+ You need good fat in your diet, or your brain will shrivel up and die. Healthy fats are found in fish and nuts. It carries natural oils and fatty acids that are good for you.
+ Animal fats are foods to avoid during weight loss. If you really want to, you can get rid of all meat as our bodies can survive on vegetation and water alone.
Eliminate all animal fat (Image source: milkwood)
3. Cut out the dairy products
You don’t need milk to grow “big and strong” as the commercials say. Diary is also a great source of bad fats. Discard milk, cheese, yogurt, and cream. You can supplement milk with soy milk. Soy milk tastes surprisingly better than milk; it is also a great source of vitamin D. You can live without dairy products. If you want to avoid dairy foods during weight loss, it will help you immensely in losing weight.
Cut out the dairy products (Image source: runningmagazine)
4. Eliminate a big intake of carbohydrates
+ Carbs are a prime source of energy for your body. As I said, if you eat more than you burn you will gain weight. It doesn’t matter if you are eating healthy food or junk food; or have a great metabolism; you will gain weight just the same. The reason I say to eliminate a big intake of carbs is that carbohydrates are usually the main course in a lot of meals.
+ It’s not about wiping them out from your diet but about cutting back on the carbs you eat and replacing bad carbs with good carbs. Instead of two pieces of toast for breakfast, you can eat one. Eat whole or multigrain cereals instead of white bread.
Eliminate a big intake of carbohydrates – (Image source: thediabetescouncil)
5. Get rid of empty calories
+ Eliminating empty calories means stopping drinking, even occasionally. The truth of the matter is that you don’t need alcohol to survive. Your body would be fine without it. Alcohol is one of the 5 foods to avoid during weight loss if you want to lose weight fast.
+ Quitting alcohol not only helps you lose weight, but it will also prevent people from looking and acting like a fool. You and I both know what happens to people who drink too much and carry heavy regrets the next day after drinking. It’s a waste of money and time, and people will get fat and fat for it.
Get rid of empty calories – (Image source: bvdkbuudien)
Another thing to get rid of is stress. Stress disrupts the body’s immune system. Stress will make the body weak and create conditions for diseases to plant itself and grow. It will also kill motivation to lose weight.
Stress leads to improper eating and overeating. Many people under stress eat foods that they think, consciously or unconsciously, will help them mentally. A person under stress may also neglect all food from their diet until the stress goes away. Stress can also aid to weight gain.
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>>> References
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