We all have food cravings. One study showed astonishing results: 97% of women and 68% of men reported episodes of food cravings. Also, the temptation of junk food is everywhere. You have cookies in your kitchen, chips at your house, and chocolates at work. How do we control junk food cravings?
The most common way we try to ignore cravings. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work! You struggle to avoid junk food for a few days and eventually succumb to the temptation of a chocolate bar to relax after a stressful day at work. If you can’t overcome your cravings, you will blame yourself for your lack of self-control and willpower.
In this article, we will discuss the processes of food reward, inhibitory control, and time prolongation to help you understand that cravings are actually “hard-wired” in your brain. Then we will show you how to overcome these hard-wired brain processes in order to control your food cravings
How to control junk food cravings
1. Food reward
The brain has a reward system. When we pursue our favorite food, the brain rewards us by creating a good feeling. People can fall prey to overeating and other addictions if their reward circuit is oversensitive. Sugar pretty much affects the brain’s reward system.
=> Do not cheat on sweets such as desserts, junk food, or soft drinks is how to control cravings. If you continue to feed your brain’s reward system with sugar, you’ll have a tough time getting rid of your cravings. The true solution is to eliminate sugar and sugar substitutes in order to extinguish your sugar cravings.
Use Food as a Reward (Source: wsj)
2. Inhibitory control
It’s widely believed that the prefrontal cortex part of the brain is the source of the inhibitory control process, which in turn helps control eating impulses. Research has shown that people with weak inhibitory controls are more likely to be obese, eat more high-calorie foods, and be unsuccessful in trying to lose weight than those with more effective inhibitory controls.
Unfortunately, we all have poor inhibitory control over the stresses of life. When we’re all feeling down, we tend to turn to food to comfort us. Therefore, it is important to manage stress to overcome poor inhibitory control.
While you may not be able to manage the stresses of everyday life, you will certainly learn to control your eating habits. By skipping meals or starving yourself, you will only add unnecessary stress to your body.
Test marshmallow – Child inhibitory control (Source: odkrywamyzakryte)
=> So it’s important to eat five times a day. How to control junk food cravings is to eat more often, not less. Any time you feel hungry or crave carbs or sweets is a sign that you’re not getting enough protein at lunch or dinner. Eat five times a day to minimize possible stress on your body.
+ Eating breakfast will help you prepare energy for the day.
+ Morning snacks with a low GI fruit will help you satisfy the sugar craving while providing enough energy to last until lunch.
+ Eating enough green leafy vegetables and at least a portion of protein for lunch will power you through the afternoon.
+ An afternoon snack consisting of a portion of nuts will be the bridge between lunch and dinner.
+ A dinner consisting of green, leafy vegetables and at least some protein will ensure you get enough nutrients and energy overnight.
3. Time discounting
The third neurobehavioral process that contributes to craving is time discounting. This involves the reward systems and the prefrontal cortex. Your brain wants something now rather than later, especially when it comes to food. If offered a piece of cake, it’s hard to bring home to eat later. Our brain creates an intense desire to eat the pie right away.
=> It’s easy to fall prey to thinking that nursing a craving means you’re doomed to relapse or unmotivated. Please understand that it is not your fault. Again, it’s common to have cravings, especially because now you understand neurobehavioral processes.
Hopefully, this article will help you figure out how to control junk food cravings for better health and a healthy weight.
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>>> References
Thinsulin – the breakthrough solution to help you lose weight and stay thin – Charles T.Nguyen