Here are 4 simple nutrition tips and 5 ways to build a sustainable foundation for successful weight loss that will help put your body into fat burning mode and help you better complete your workout plan, helping you make even faster progress
4 nutrition tips for weight loss
When trying to lose fat and build some muscle to keep you in shape, it helps to find simple tricks to eliminate or burn more calories. Even that is through your workout program or your nutrition plan.
1. Eat More Vegetables
Having lots of green vegetables and fresh fruit are nutrition tips for weight loss. Eating more vegetables is a simple and effective way, but not many people actually do this. Try mixing and matching fresh vegetables for variety. Besides the many health benefits, most vegetables are high in fiber, which keeps you full for longer and burns more calories than eating other foods.
Frozen vegetables are just fine. In fact, frozen fruits and vegetables have shown to be more likely to hold their nutrient value versus fresh because of things like the time they sit after being picked before you have them at home and eat them.
Eat more vegetables (Source: bbcgoodfood)
2. Go Ahead and Snack
Just snack on good stuff, like raisins, nuts (especially almonds), veggies, and most fruit. However, not dried fruit. Have you ever looked at the calorie count and ingredients of most mixed fruit and nut “trail mix” products? It’s not pretty!
Stay away from all processed foods. Processed foods have a huge impact in obesity as well as many other health problems like diabetes.
Consider staying away from all-white carbohydrates, as well. White carbohydrates include bread, rice, potatoes, cereal, pasta, fried food with breading, tortillas, and anything else white that falls under this category. At least minimize them by only allowing yourselves to treat these once, like on a rewarding day.
Just snack on good stuff like nuts (Source: healthline)
3. Combine some specific food
Specific food combinations can help burn calories by boosting your metabolism. Want to burn fat or build muscle? Get lots of fiber and protein.
Eat carbs rich in fiber. They take longer to digest, and you’ll feel “fuller” for a longer time. Along with high-fiber carbs, add more protein. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology found that your body burns more calories when you eat protein than it burns to digest either fats or carbohydrates.
Eating protein also helps prevent muscle loss while dieting, which can help prevent a slowing metabolism.
Protein and Carb Meal Combos (Source: healthbeet)
4. Yogurt can help you lose weight
Eating yogurt is the last tip of the four nutrition tips for weight loss. Yogurt can help you lose weight while preserving muscle. A study of overweight people who ate three servings of yogurt daily for 12 weeks lost 22% more weight, 61% more body fat, and 81% more abdominal fat than people who ate a similar number of calories but no dairy products.
Make sure to have yogurt with real fruit and no added sugar. Or, take plain yogurt and add your own berries to it. Yogurt is also an easy and convenient snack, and contains high quality protein.
Yogurt can help you lose weight
Besides applying nutrition tips for putting your body into fat burning mode, you need to know the ways to build a solid weight loss foundation.
How to build a solid foundation for successful weight loss
Once you decide to start taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle, it’s important to follow some certain criteria to ensure success. From experience, the following are what I think are imperative to any successful weight loss plan.
+ Set Reasonable Goals
If you have 50 pounds to lose, don’t plan to lose it all in two months. Losing 1-2 pounds a week is reasonable and maintainable, but no more than that. So if you want to lose those 50 pounds, plan to work out for 6-7 months instead. This will not only be much easier for you to maintain if you’re dropping at a steady rate, but it’s also a much healthier approach.
+ Practice Patience
Remember that it took some time for you to get to where you are today. So don’t expect progress happen magically, and don’t get discouraged when things are taking longer than you hoped or anticipated. The most sustainable results are those achieved in a healthy way, not in a fad diet style.
+ Acknowledge Mistakes and Move Forward
It doesn’t matter which direction you go as long as you don’t give up on your goal. There will be times you will experience setbacks – you’ll sneak in a slice of cake, skip a workout, and find yourself at a McDonald’s. The only timing mistakes that will affect your progress are if you let one turn into ten. Acknowledge that it happened, understand the cause, forgive yourself, and move on.
+ Share your Goals
We tend to feel most accountable when others around us know what we’re working towards. For example, if you tell a coworker about your weight loss goals, you’ll be less likely or at least to think twice before having dessert at a company luncheon. You may even find support groups in your community where other individuals with similar goals meet.
+ Celebrate Small Accomplishments
Once you accomplish that, reward yourself with something non-food-related, like a trip to the spa or a new set of gym clothes. It is the small steps that get us to the finish line, so celebrate them!
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>>> References
Weight loss Skick-Starter – “Tips To Begin Your Weight Loss Journey” by Emmy